Accomplished Criminal Defense Attorneys For Property Crimes
There are many different types of property crimes, and depending on the charges, you may face misdemeanors or felonies. In these situations, it’s important to seek strong legal counsel to fight for your rights and avoid some of the harsh penalties that come with a conviction. At Bauer, Crider, Kindel and Parry, our criminal defense attorneys have more than 100 years of combined experience in criminal law and the skills and knowledge to navigate the toughest and most complex cases. We fight for your rights in and out of court and customize a legal strategy for every case.
Common Florida Property Crimes: Burglary, Vandalism, Arson And Trespassing
A property crime is any intentional crime that results in the theft or destruction of another person’s property without consent. Because property crimes can be many different types of offenses, punishments can range from misdemeanor to felony charges.
The most common types of property crimes are:
- Criminal mischief and vandalism: Criminal mischief refers to injury or damage caused by another person’s action or inaction. Vandalism refers to a more malicious sort of mischief characterized by reckless or intentional behavior. Depending on the amount of damage that is done, both criminal mischief and vandalism can be classified as a first-degree misdemeanor, second-degree misdemeanor or third-degree felony. Punishments range from 60 days in jail and/or a $500 fine to five years in jail and/or a $5,000 fine.
- Trespassing: Any time a person enters another person’s land or property without permission, it is considered trespassing. Like criminal mischief and vandalism, punishments for trespassing vary depending on the amount of damage done to the property.
- Arson: Arson is the criminal act of deliberately setting a property on fire. Arson in the second or first degree can result in a felony conviction, bringing fines of up to $10,000 and prison time as severe as a life sentence.
- Burglary: Falling under the category of theft, burglary involves entering a building with the specific intention of committing a crime. A charge of burglary in the second degree can result in a second-degree felony conviction, bringing a prison sentence of up to 15 years and/or a fine of up to $10,000. Armed or aggravated burglary can be charged as a first-degree felony, punishable by up to 30 years or life in prison and a $10,000 fine.
What Is The Difference Between Burglary And Robbery?
The terms “burglary” and “robbery” are used almost interchangeably, but in reality, they describe two different types of crime. Robbery is defined as taking, or attempting to take, another person’s property using intimidation, force or threat. For a crime to be a robbery, one or more victims must be present at the scene.
Burglary is defined as the unlawful entry of a building for the specific purpose of committing a theft or other felony. A victim does not have to be present for the crime to be considered burglary.
What Is The Difference Between Theft And Larceny?
Generally, theft means taking another person’s property without consent. This is a fairly broad term that encompasses several more specific types of theft, including larceny. Larceny is the theft of material property specifically for personal use. Regardless of the charge, you’ll need an experienced Pasco County criminal defense attorney to assist you.
What Are The Penalties For Property Crimes In Florida?
Florida’s property crime penalties vary depending on the type and severity of the offense. Minor crimes like vandalism may result in misdemeanor charges with probation, while serious offenses like armed burglary can bring life sentences. Knowing the penalties for each level of offense can help in understanding the potential impact on your future.
- First-degree misdemeanor penalties: Property crimes like minor vandalism or criminal mischief causing small amounts of damage can result in up to one year in jail and fines of up to $1,000. Courts often add probation with community service to these sentences to encourage responsibility.
- Second-degree misdemeanor penalties: Crimes such as simple trespassing without damaging property fall under second-degree misdemeanors. They carry potential penalties of up to 60 days in jail and fines of up to $500. These offenses may also include probation or community service for repeat offenders.
- Third-degree felony penalties: Serious property offenses, including certain burglaries and vandalism that result in significant property damage, carry up to five years in prison and fines approaching $5,000. Additionally, courts often mandate restitution payments to help victims cover their losses.
- Second-degree felony penalties: Crimes like second-degree arson and aggravated trespass can result in sentences of up to 15 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000. These penalties reflect the impact of these crimes on property and community safety, and restitution is often required.
- First-degree felony penalties: The most severe property crimes, such as armed burglary or aggravated arson, are classified as first-degree felonies, punishable by up to 30 years or life in prison and fines up to $10,000. These cases typically include restitution payments, especially where there is extensive property destruction.
Understanding the penalties associated with property crime charges can help you assess the potential impact and consider your options. Proper legal support can be key to addressing these charges effectively. With a Bauer, Crider, Kindel and Parry attorney by your side, you will have a defense tailored to your unique circumstances, aiming to protect your rights and pursue the best possible outcome in your case.
Accused Of A Property Or Theft Crime? Consult A Property Crime Attorney.
Our criminal defense attorneys offer a free initial consultation. You can schedule your free appointment by calling 727-275-9822 or by sending an email through our online contact form.